Julian Lunow
Since 2023
PhD student at TU Darmstadt
Master of Science Landscape Ecology, University of Münster
Master thesis: "Morphological trait variation in ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) caused by different managed beech forests."
Bachelor of Science Landscape Ecology, University of Münster
Bachelor thesis: "Effects of different land-use regimes on the grasshopper community (Orthoptera) at grassland sites of the military training ground Handorf-Ost, Münster
Research interests
I am interested in the effects of land use changes on insect communities, with a special view on beetles.
In my research as a PhD student, I mainly focus on the impacts of forest management on insects.
Research project
Walddiskurs: Sustainable Forest Conservation - Sustainable Forest Communication

B1|02, Room 208
Julian Lunow
Department of Biology
Technical University Darmstadt
Schnittspahnstr. 3
64287 Darmstadt
Phone +49 6151 1620049