Seibold S, Gossner MM, Simons NK, Blüthgen N, Müller J, Ambarli D, Ammer C, Bauhus J, Fischer M, Habel JC, Linsenmair KE, Nauss T, Penone C, Prati D, Schall P, Schulze E-D, Vogt J, Wöllauer S, Weisser WW (2019) Arthropod decline in grasslands and forests is associated with landscape-level drivers. Nature. 574:671–674.
Vogt J, Klaus VH, Both S, Fürstenau C, Gockel S, Gossner MM, Heinze J, Hemp A, Hölzel N, Jung K, Till K, Lauterbach R, Lorenzen K, Ostrowski A, Otto N, Prati D, Renner S, Schumacher U, Seibold S, Simons NK, Steitz I, Teuscher M, Thiele J, Weithmann S, Wells K, Wiesner K, Ayasse M, Blüthgen N, Fischer M, Weisser WW (2019) Eleven years’ data of grassland management data in Germany. Biodiversity Data Journal. 7: e36387
Neff F, Blüthgen N, Chisté MN, Simons NK, Steckel J, Weisser WW, Westphal C, Pellissier L, Gossner MM (2019) Cross-scale effects of land use on the functional composition of herbivorous insect communities. Landscape Ecology 34: 2001-2015
Wehner K, Renker C, Brückner A, Simons NK, Weisser WW, Blüthgen N (2019) Land‐use in Europe affects land snail assemblages directly and indirectly by modulating abiotic and biotic drivers. Ecosphere 10: e02726
Heinze J, Simons NK, Seibold S, Wacker A, Weithoff G, Gossner MM, Prati D, Bezemer TM, Joshi J (2019) The relative importance of plant-soil feedbacks for plant-species performance increases with decreasing intensity of herbivory. Oecologia. 190(3):651–664.
Lizon à l'Allemand S, Brückner A, Hashim R, Witte V*, von Beeren C* (2019). Competition as possible driver of dietary specialisation in the mushroom harvesting ant Euprenolepis procera (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Myrmecological News 29: 71-91 *contributed equally
Hoenle P, Blüthgen N, Brückner A, Kronauer DJC, Fiala B, Donoso D, Smith MA, Ospina Jara B, von Beeren C (2019) Species-level predation network uncovers high prey specificity in a Neotropical army ant community. Molecular Ecology 28: 2423-2440
Ekroos J, Kleijn D, Batáry P, Albrecht M, Báldi A, Blüthgen N, Knop E, Kovács-Hostyánszki A, Smith HG (2019) High land-use intensity in grasslands constrains wild bee species richness in Europe. Biological Conservation 241: 108255
Camara T, Leal IR, Oliveira F, Blüthgen N, Arnan X (2019) Anthropogenic disturbance and rainfall variation threaten the stability of plant-ant interactions in the Brazilian Caatinga. Ecography 42: 1960-1972
Arnan X, Molowny-Horas R, Blüthgen N (2019) Food resource exploitation and functional resilience in ant communities found in common Mediterranean habitats. Science of the Total Environment 684: 126-135
Schmelzle S, Blüthgen N (2019) Under pressure: force resistance measurements in box mites (Actinotrichida, Oribatida). Frontiers in Zoology 16: 24
Busch V, Klaus VH, Schaefer D, Prati D, Boch S, Müller J, Socher SA, Chisté M, Mody K, Blüthgen N, Fischer M, Hölzel N, Kleinebecker T (2019) Will I stay or will I go? Plant species specific response and tolerance to high land-use intensity in temperate grassland ecosystems. Journal of Vegetation Science 30: 674-686
Happe AK, Alins G, Blüthgen N, Boreux V, Bosch J, García D, Hambäck PA, Klein AM, Martínez-Sastre R, Miñarro M, Müller AK, Porcel M, Rodrigo A, Roquer-Beni L, Samnegård U, Tasin M, Mody K (2019) Predatory arthropods in apple orchards across Europe: Responses to agricultural management, adjacent habitat, landscape composition and country. Agriculture Ecosystems and Environment 273: 141-150
Fornoff F, Klein AM, Blüthgen N, Staab M (2019) Tree diversity increases robustness of multi-trophic interactions. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286: 2399
Brückner A, Hoenle P, von Beeren C (2018). Comparative chemical analysis of army ant mandibular gland volatiles (Formicidae: Dorylinae). PeerJ 6:e5319
O ’ Donnell S, Bulova S, Barrett M, von Beeren C (2018). Brain investment under colony-level selection: soldier specialization in Eciton army ants (Formicidae: Dorylinae). BMC Zoology, 3:3
Frank K, Krell FT, Walter P, Slade EM, Raine EH, Chiew LY, Vairappan CS, Schmitt T, Blüthgen N (2018) Global dung webs: high trophic generalism of dung beetles along the latitudinal diversity gradient. Ecology Letters 21: 1229-1236
Wehner, K., Heethoff, M., Brückner, A. (2018). Seasonal fluctuation of oribatid mite communities in forest microhabitats. PeerJ 6: e4863.
Heethoff, M. (2018). Cryptic species - conceptual or terminological chaos? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 33: 310.
Ströbel, B., Schmelzle, S., Blüthgen, N., Heethoff, M. (2018). An automated device for the digitization and 3D modeling of insects, combining extended-depth-of-field and all-side multi-view imaging. ZooKeys 759: 1-27.
Tschulakow AV, Oltrup T, Bende T, Schmelzle S, Schraermeyer U (2018) The anatomy of the foveola reinvestigated. PeerJ 6: e4482
Brückner A, Schuster R, Smit T, Heethoff M (2018) Imprinted or innate food preferences in the model mite Archegozetes longisetosus (Actinotrichida, Oribatida, Trhypochthoniidae). Soil Organisms 90: 23-26
Wehner K, Heethoff M, Brückner A (2018) Sex ratios of oribatid mites differ among microhabitats. Soil Organisms 90: 13-22
Brückner A, Schuster R, Wehner K, Heethoff M (2018) Effects of nutritional quality on the reproductive biology of Archegozetes longisetosus (Actinotrichida, Oribatida, Trhypochthoniidae). Soil Organisms 90: 1-12
von Beeren C, Brückner A, Maruyama M, Burke G, Wieschollek J, Kronauer JC (2018). Chemical and behavioral integration of army ant-associated rove beetles - a comparison between specialists and generalists. Frontiers in Zoology 15:8.
Brückner A, Heethoff M (2018) Nutritional effects on chemical defense alter predator-prey dynamics. Chemoecology 28: 1-9.
Bergmann P, Laumann M, Norton RA, Heethoff M (2018) Cytological evidence for automictic thelytoky in parthenogenetic oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida): Synaptonemal complexes confirm meiosis in Archegozetes longisetosus. Acarologia 58: 342-356.
Brückner A, Schuster R, Smit T, Pollierer MM, Schäffler I, Heethoff M (2018) Track the snack - olfactory cues shape foraging behaviour of decomposing soil mites (Oribatida). Pedobiologia 66: 74-80
Happe A-K, Riesch F, Rösch V, Gallé R, Tscharntke T & Batáry P (2018) Small-scale agricultural landscapes and organic management support wild bee communities of cereal field boundaries. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 254: 92-98
Chisté MN, Mody K, Kunz G, Gunczy J, Blüthgen N (2018) Intensive land use drives small-scale homogenization of plant- and leafhopper communities and promotes generalists. Oecologia 186: 529-540
Rosumek FB, Blüthgen N, Brückner A, Menzel F, Gebauer G, Heethoff M (2018). Unveiling community patterns and trophic niches of tropical and temperate ants using an integrative framework of field data, stable isotopes and fatty acids. PeerJ 6: e5467
Felipe-Lucia MR, Soliveres S, Penone C, Manning P, van der Plas F, Boch S, Prati D, Ammer C, Schall P, Gossner MM, Bauhus J, Buscot F, Blaser S, Blüthgen N, de Frutos A, Ehbrecht M, Frank K, Goldmann K, Hänsel F, Jung K, Kahl T, Nauss T, Oelmann Y, Pena R, Polle A, Renner S, Schloter M, Schöning I, Schrumpf M, Schulze ED, Solly E, Sorkau E, Stempfhuber B, Tschapka M, Weisser WW, Wubet T, Fischer M, Allan E (2018) Multiple forest attributes underpin the supply of multiple ecosystem services. Nature Communications 9: 4839
Mesquita-Neto J, Blüthgen N, Schlindwein C (2018) Flowers with poricidal anthers and their complex interaction networks - disentangling legitimate pollinators and illegitimate visitors. Functional Ecology 32: 2321-2332
van der Plas F, Allan E, Fischer M, Alt F, Arndt H, Binkenstein J, Blaser S, Blüthgen N, Boehm S, Hoelzel N, Klaus V, Kleinebecker T, Morris K, Oelmann Y, Prati D, Renner S, Rillig MC, Schaefer HM, Schloter M, Schmitt B, Schoening I, Schrumpf M, Solly E, Sorkau E, Steckel J, Steffan-Dewenter I, Stempfhuber B, Tschapka M, Weiner C, Weisser W, Werner M, Westphal C, Wilcke W, Manning P (2018) Towards the development of general rules describing landscape heterogeneity-multifunctionality relationships. Journal of Applied Ecology 56: 168-179
Costa F, Blüthgen N, Viana-Junior A, Guerra TJ, Di Spirito L, Neves FS (2018) Resilience to fire and climate seasonality drive the temporal dynamics of ant-plant interactions in a fire-prone ecosystem. Ecological Indicators 93: 247-255
Frank K, Brückner A, Blüthgen N, Schmitt T (2018) In search for cues: dung beetle attraction and the significance of volatile composition in dung. Chemoecology 28: 145-152
Câmara T, Leal I, Blüthgen N, Oliveira FM, de Queiroz R, Arnan X (2018) Effects of chronic anthropogenic disturbance and rainfall on the specialization of ant-plant mutualistic networks in the Caatinga, a Brazilian dry forest. Journal of Animal Ecology 87: 1022-1033
Lösel P, Heuveline V, Jerome NT, Kopmann A, van de Kamp T, Schmelzle S, Heethoff M (2017) Biomedisa: The Biomedical Image Segmentation App. 3rd International Conference on Tomography of Materials and Structures Lund, Sweden, ICTMS2017-106-3.
Schmelzle S, Heethoff M, ... van de Kamp T (2017) The NOVA project: maximizing beam time efficiency through synergistic analyses of SRμCT data", Proc. SPIE 10391, Developments in X-Ray Tomography XI, 103910P-1.
Dormann CF, Blüthgen N (2017) Food webs versus interaction networks: principles, pitfalls and perspectives. In: Moore JC, de Ruiter PC, McCann KS, Wolters V (eds) Adaptive food webs: stability and transitions of real and model ecosystems, Cambridge University Press.
Frank K, Brückner A, Hilpert A, Heethoff M, Blüthgen N (2017) Nutrient quality of vertebrate dung as a diet for dung beetles. Scientific Reports 7: 12141
Mangels J, Fiedler K, Schneider FD, Blüthgen N (2017) Diversity and trait composition of moths respond to land-use intensification in grasslands: generalists replace specialists. Biodiversity and Conservation 26: 3385-3405
Staab M, Fornoff F, Klein AM, Blüthgen N (2017) Ants at plant wounds – a little-known trophic interaction with evolutionary implications for ant-plant interactions. American Naturalist 190: 442-450
Brückner A, Klompen H, Bruce AI, Hashim R, von Beeren C (2017). Infection of army ant pupae by two new parasitoid mite species (Mesostigmata: Uropodina). PeerJ 5: e3870
Brückner A, Hilpert A, Heethoff M (2017). Biomarker function and nutritional stoichiometry of neutral lipid fatty acids and amino acids in oribatid mites. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 115: 35-43.
Rosumek, FB, Brückner A, Blüthgen N, Menzel F, Heethoff M (2017). Patterns and dynamics of neutral lipid fatty acids in ants - implications for ecological studies. Frontiers in Zoology 14:36.
Tishechkin AKT, Kronauer DJC, von Beeren C (2017). Taxonomic review and natural history notes of the army ant-associated beetle genus Ecclisister Reichensperger (Histeridae: Haeteriinae). Coleopterists Bulletin, 71: 279-288
Mody K, Collatz J, Bucharova A, Dorn S (2017) Crop cultivar affects performance of herbivore enemies and may trigger enhanced pest control by coaction of different parasitoid species. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 245: 74-82
Eisenhauer N, ... , Heethoff M, ... Powell JR (2017) Priorities for research in soil ecology. Pedobiologia 63: 1-7
Knuff A, Obermaier E, Mody K (2017) Differential susceptibility and suitability of domestic and wild apple species for a florivorous weevil and its parasitoids. Journal of Applied Entomology 141: 285-299
Brückner A, Heethoff M (2017) The ontogeny of oil gland chemistry in the oribatid mite Archegozetes longisetosus Aoki (Oribatida, Trhypochthoniidae). International Journal of Acarology 43: 337-342
Frank K, Hülsmann M, Assmann T, Schmitt T, Blüthgen N (2017) Land use affects dung beetle communities and their ecosystem services in forests and grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 243: 114-122
Brückner A, Heethoff M, Blüthgen N (2017) The relationship between epicuticular long-chained hydrocarbons and surface area – volume ratios in insects (Diptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera). PLoS One 12: e0175001
Kaluza BF, Wallace H, Keller A, Heard TA, Jeffers B, Drescher N, Blüthgen N, Leonhardt SD (2017) Generalist social bees maximize diversity intake in plant species-rich and resource-abundant environments. Ecosphere 8: e01758
Brückner A, Raspotnig G, Wehner K, Meusinger R, Norton RA, Heethoff M (2017) Storage and release of hydrogen cyanide in a chelicerate (Oribatula tibialis). Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 114(13): 3469-3472
Koerner L, Garamszegi LZ, Heethoff M, Betz O (2017) Divergent morphologies of adhesive predatory mouthparts of Stenus species (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) explain differences in adhesive performance and resulting prey-capture success. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlx006
von Beeren C, Tishechkin AKT (2017). Nymphister kronaueri von Beeren & Tishechkin sp. nov., an army ant-associated beetle species (Coleoptera: Histeridae: Haeteriinae) with an exceptional mechanism of phoresy. BMC Zoology, 2:3 DOI: 10.1186/s40850-016-0010-x.
Kaiser-Bunbury CN, Mougal J, Whittington AE, Valentin T, Gabriel R, Olesen JM, Blüthgen N (2017) Ecosystem restoration strengthens pollination networks. Nature 542: 223-227
Brückner A, Heethoff M (2017) A chemo-ecologists’ practical guide to compositional data analysis. Chemoecology 27: 33-46 (with Erratum: Chemoecology 27: 47).
Wurmitzer C, Blüthgen N, Krell FT, Maldonado B, Ocampo F, Müller JK, Schmitt T (2017) Attraction of dung beetles to herbivore dung and synthetic compounds in a comparative field study. Chemoecology 27: 75-84
Kämper W, Blüthgen N, Eltz T (2017) Bumblebee footprints on bird’s-foot trefoil uncover increasing flower visitation with land-use intensity. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 240: 77–83
Blüthgen N, Kaiser-Bunbury CN, Junker RR (2017) Biological invasions and ant-flower networks on islands. In: Oliveira PS, Koptur S. Ant-Plant Interactions: Impacts of Humans on Terrestrial Ecosystems. Cambridge University Press
Simons N, Lewinsohn T, Blüthgen N, Buscot F, Boch S, Daniel R, Gossner MM, Jung K, Kaiser K, Müller J, Prati D, Renner SC, Socher S, Sonnemann I, Weiner CN, Werner M, Wubet T, Wurst S, Weisser WW (2017) Contrasting effects of grassland management modes on species-abundance distributions of multiple groups. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 237: 143-153
Staab M, Methorst J, Peters J, Blüthgen N, Klein AM (2017) Tree diversity and nectar composition affect arthropod visitors on extrafloral nectaries in a diversity experiment. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 201-221
Batáry P, Gallé R, Riesch F, Fischer C, Dormann CF, Mußhoff O, Császár P, Fusaro S, Gayer C, Happe A-K, Kurucz K, Molnár D, Rösch V, Wietzke A & Tscharntke T (2017) The former iron curtain still drives biodiversity-profit trade-offs in German agriculture. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1: 1279-1284
Rousselin A, Bevacqua D, Sauge MH, Lescourret F, Mody K, Jordan MO (2017) Harnessing the aphid life cycle to reduce insecticide reliance in apple and peach orchards. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 37: 38-49
Schleuning M, Fründ J, Schweiger O, Welk E, Albrecht J, Albrecht M, Beil M, Benadi G, Blüthgen N, Bruelheide H, Böhning-Gaese K, Dehling M, Dormann CF, Exeler N, Farwig N, Harpke A, Hickler T, Kratochwil A, Kuhlmann M, Kuhn I, Michez D, Mudri-Stojnic S, Plein M, Rasmont P, Schwabe A, Settele J, Vujic A, Weiner C, Wiemers M, Hof C (2016) Ecological networks are more sensitive to plant than to animal extinction under climate change. Nature Communications 7: 13965
Gossner MM, Lewinsohn T, Kahl T, Grassein F, Boch S, Prati D, Birkhofer K, Renner SC, Sikorski J, Wubet T, Arndt H, Baumgartner V, Blaser S, Blüthgen N, ... Weiner CN, Werner M, Wolters V, Wurst S, Westphal C, Fischer M, Weisser WW, Allan E (2016) Land-use intensification causes multitrophic homogenisation of grassland communities. Nature 540: 266-269
Kämper W, Weiner C, Kühsel S, Storm C, Eltz T, Blüthgen N (2016) Evaluating the effects of floral resource specialisation and of nitrogen regulation on the vulnerability of social bees in agricultural landscapes? Apidologie DOI 10.1007/s13592-016-0480-4
Bucharova A, Frenzel M, Mody K, Parepa M, Durka W, Bossdorf O (2016) Plant ecotype affects interacting organisms across multiple trophic levels. Basic and Applied Ecology 17: 688-695
Kriesell L, Hilpert A, Leonhardt SD (2016) Different but the same: bumblebee species collect pollen of different plant sources but similar amino acid profiles. Apidologie DOI 10.1007/s13592-016-0454-6
Kämper W, Werner PK, Hilpert A, Westphal C, Blüthgen N, Eltz T, Leonhardt SD (2016) How landscape, pollen intake and pollen quality. Landscape Ecology 31: 2245-2258
von Beeren C, Maruyama, M, and Kronauer DJC (2016). Community sampling and integrative taxonomy reveal new species and host specificity in the army ant-associated beetle genus Tetradonia (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Aleocharinae) PLoS ONE 11(11): e0165056.
Chisté MN, Mody K, Gossner MM, Simons NK, Köhler G, Weisser WW, Blüthgen N (2016) Losers, winners, and opportunists: how grassland land-use intensity affects orthopteran communities. Ecosphere 7: e01545
Heethoff M, Norton RA, Raspotnig G (2016) Once again: oribatid mites and skin alkaloids in poison frogs. Journal of Chemical Ecology 42: 841-844.
Brückner A, Wehner K, Neis M, Heethoff M (2016) Attack and defense in a gamasid-oribatid mite predator-prey experiment – sclerotization outperforms chemical repellency. Acarologia 56: 451-461
Soliveres S, van der Plas F, Manning P, Prati D, Gossner MM, Renner SC, Alt F, Arndt H, Baumgartner V, Binkenstein J, Birkhofer K, Blaser S, Blüthgen N, Boch S, ... Weiner CN, Weisser WW, Werner M, Westphal C, Wilcke W, Wolters V, Wubet T, Wurst S, Fischer M, Allan E (2016) Biodiversity at multiple trophic levels is needed for ecosystem multifunctionality. Nature 536: 456-459
Esser HJ, Herre EA, Blüthgen N, Loaiza JR, Bermúdez S, Jansen PA (2016) Host specificity in a diverse Neotropical tick community: an assessment using quantitative network analysis and host phylogeny. Parasites and Vectors 9: 372
Ellwood MDF, Blüthgen N, Fayle TM, Foster WA, Menzel F (2016) How do pairwise interactions affect community structure of epiphyte-dwelling ants in a tropical rainforest? Acta Oecologia 75: 24-34
Heethoff M, Scheu S (2016) Reliability of isotopic fractionation (15N, 13C) for the delimitation of trophic levels of oribatid mites: Diet strongly affects D13C but not D15N. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 101: 124-129
Kühsel S, Brückner A, Schmelzle S, Heethoff M, Blüthgen N (2016) Surface area – volume ratios in insects. Insect Science DOI 10.1111/1744-7917.12362
Wehner K, Norton RA, Blüthgen N, Heethoff M (2016) Specialization of oribatid mites to forest microhabitats – the enigmatic role of litter. Ecosphere 7: e01336
Sendoya S, Blüthgen N, Tamashiro J, Fernandez F, Oliveira P (2016) Foliage-dwelling ants in a neotropical savanna: effects of plant and insect exudates on ant communities. Arthropod-Plant Interactions 10: 183-195
Soliveres S, Manning P, Prate D, Gossner MM, ... Blüthgen N, ... Fischer M, Allan E (2016) Locally rare species influence grassland ecosystem multifunctionality. Philosophical Transactions Biological Sciences 371: 20150269
Ivens ABF, von Beeren C, Blüthgen N, Kronauer DJC (2016) Studying the complex communities of ants and their symbionts using ecological network analysis. Annual Review of Entomology 61:353–71
Blüthgen N, Simons NK, Jung K, Prati D, Renner SC, Boch S, Fischer M, Hölzel N, Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Tschapka M, Weisser WW, Gossner MM (2016) Land use imperils plant and animal community stability through changes in asynchrony rather than diversity. Nature Communications 7:10697
Houadria M, Blüthgen N, Salas-Lopez A, Schmitt MI, Arndt J, Schneider E, Orivel J, Menzel F (2016) The relation between circadian asynchrony, functional redundancy and trophic performance in tropical ant communities. Ecology 97: 225–235
Brückner A, Heethoff M (2016) Scent of a mite – Origin and chemical characterization of the lemonlike flavor of mite-ripened cheeses. Experimental and Applied Acarology 69: 249-261
Hartmann K, Laumann M, Bergmann P, Heethoff M, Schmelzle S (2016) Development of the synganglion and morphology of the adult nervous system in the mite Archegozetes longisetosus Aoki (Chelicerata, Actinotrichida, Oribatida). Journal of Morphology 277: 537-548
Allan E, Manning P, ... Blüthgen N, ... Fischer M (2015) Land use intensification alters ecosystem multifunctionality via loss of biodiversity and changes to functional composition. Ecology Letters 18: 834–843
Arnan X, Blüthgen N, Molowny-Horas R, Retana J (2015) Thermal characterization of European ant communities along thermal gradients and its implications for community resilience to temperature variability. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 3: 138
Arnan X, Blüthgen N (2015) Using eco-physiological traits to predict climate and activity niches: lethal temperature and water loss in Mediterranean ants. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24: 1454–1464
Gámez-Virués S, Perović DJ, Gossner MM, Börschig C, Blüthgen N, ... Tscharntke T, Westphal C (2015) Landscape simplification filters species traits and drives biotic homogenization. Nature Communications 6: 8568
Heethoff M, Rall BC (2015) Reducible defence: chemical protection alters the dynamics of predator-prey interactions. Chemoecology 25: 53-61
Houadria M, Salas-Lopez A, Orivel J, Blüthgen N, Menzel F (2015) Dietary and temporal niche differentiation in species-rich assemblages – can they explain local tropical ant coexistence? Biotropica 47: 208–217
Junker RR, Blüthgen N, Keller A (2015) Functional and phylogenetic diversities of plant communities differently affect the structure of flower-visitor interactions and reveal convergences in floral traits. Evolutionary Ecology 29: 437–450
Kaiser-Bunbury C, Blüthgen N (2015) Integrating network ecology with applied conservation: a synthesis and guide to implementation. AoB Plants 7: plv076
Kaiser-Bunbury C, Mougal J, Valentin T, Gabriel R, Blüthgen N (2015) Herbicide application as habitat restoration tool: impact on native plant communities. Applied Vegetation Science 18: 650–660
Kühsel S, Blüthgen N (2015) High diversity stabilizes the thermal resilience of pollinator communities in intensively managed grasslands. Nature Communications 6: 7989
Leonhardt SD, Wallace H, Blüthgen N, Wenzel F (2015) Potential role of environmentally derived cuticular compounds in stingless bees. Chemoecology 25: 159–167
Maglianesi MA, Blüthgen N, Böhning–Gaese K, Schleuning M (2015) Functional structure and specialization in three tropical plant–hummingbird interaction networks across an elevational gradient in Costa Rica. Ecography 38: 1119–1128
Mangels J, Blüthgen N, Frank K, Grassein F, Hilpert A, Mody K (2015) Tree species composition and harvest intensity affect herbivore density and leaf damage on beech, Fagus sylvatica, in different landscape contexts. PLoS One 10: e0126140
Manning P, Gossner MM, Bossdorf O, Allan E, Zhang YY, Prati D, Blüthgen N, ... Weisser WW, Fischer M (2015) Grassland management intensification weakens the associations among the diversities of multiple plant and animal taxa. Ecology 96: 1492–1501
Mody K, Collatz J, Dorn S (2015) Plant genotype and the preference and performance of herbivores: cultivar affects apple resistance to the florivorous weevil Anthonomus pomorum. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 17: 337-346
Renoult JP, Blüthgen N, Binkenstein J, Weiner CN, Werner M, Schaefer HM (2015) The relative importance of color signaling for plant generalization in pollination networks. Oikos 124: 347–354
Schmelzle S, Norton RA, Heethoff M (2015) Mechanics of the ptychoid defense mechanism in Ptyctima (Acari, Oribatida): One problem, two solutions. Zoologischer Anzeiger 254: 27-40
Staab M, Blüthgen N, Klein AM (2015) Tree diversity alters the structure of a tri-trophic network in a biodiversity experiment. Oikos 124: 827-834
Allan E, Bossdorf O, Dormann CF, Prati D, Gossner M, Tscharntke T, Blüthgen N, ... Weisser WW, Fischer M (2014) Inter-annual variation in land-use intensity enhances grassland multidiversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111: 308–313
Benadi G, Hovestadt T, Poethke HJ, Blüthgen N (2014) Specialization and phenological synchrony of plants and pollinators along an altitudinal gradient. Journal of Animal Ecology 83: 639–650
Maglianesi MA, Blüthgen N, Böhning–Gaese K, Schleuning M (2014) Morphological traits determine specialization and resource use in plant–hummingbird networks in the Neotropics. Ecology 95: 3325–3334
Riedel J, Dorn S, Mody K (2014) Assemblage composition of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) affected by tree diversity and density in native timber tree plantations on former tropical pasture. Myrmecological News 20: 113-127
Weiner CN, Werner M, Linsenmair KE, Blüthgen N (2014) Land use impacts on mutualistic networks: disproportional declines in specialized pollinators via changes in flower composition. Ecology 95: 466–474
Albrecht J, Berens DG, Blüthgen N, Jaroszewicz B, Selva N, Farwig N (2013) Logging and forest edges reduce redundancy in plant–frugivore networks in an old-growth European forest. Journal of Ecology 101: 990–999
Benadi G, Blüthgen N, Hovestadt T, Poethke HJ (2013) When can plant-pollinator interactions promote plant diversity? American Naturalist 182: 131–146
Benadi G, Blüthgen N, Hovestadt T, Poethke HJ (2013) Contrasting specialization–stability relationships in plant–animal mutualistic systems. Ecological Modelling 258: 65–73
Bohan DA, Raybould A, Mulder C, Woodward G, Tamaddoni-Nezhad A, Blüthgen N, Pocock MJO, Muggleton S, Evans DM, Astegiano J, Massol F, Loeuille N, Petit S, Macfadyen S (2013). Networking agroecology: integrating the diversity of agroecosystem interactions. In: Woodward G, Bohan DA (eds.) Ecological Networks in an Agricultural World. Advances in Ecological Research 49: 1–67
Chrobock T, Weiner CN, Werner M, Blüthgen N, Fischer M, van Kleunen M (2013) Effects of native pollinator specialization, self-compatibility and flowering duration of European plant species on their invasiveness elsewhere. Journal of Ecology 101: 916–923
Heethoff M, Bergmann P, Laumann M, Norton RA (2013) The 20th anniversary of a model mite: A review of current knowledge about Archegozetes longisetosus (Acari, Oribatida). Acarologia 53: 353-368
Junker RR, Blüthgen N, Brehm T, Binkenstein J, Paulus J, Schaefer M, Stang M (2013) Specialisation on traits as basis for the niche-breadth of flower visitors and as structuring mechanism of ecological networks. Functional Ecology 27: 329–341
Heethoff M, Bergmann P, Laumann M, Norton RA (2013) The 20th anniversary of a model mite: A review of current knowledge about Archegozetes longisetosus (Acari, Oribatida). Acarologia 53: 353-368
Menzel F, Blüthgen N, Tolasch T, Conrad J, Beifuß U, Beuerle T, Schmitt T (2013) Crematoenones - a novel substance class exhibited by ants functions as appeasement signal. Frontiers in Zoology 10: 32
Riedel J, Dorn S, Brand G, Barrios H, Mody K (2013) Effects of ants on arthropod assemblages of a native timber tree in a tropical reforestation plantation. Journal of Applied Entomology 137: 418-428
Riedel J, Dorn S, Plath M, Potvin C, Mody K (2013) Time matters: temporally changing effects of planting schemes and insecticide treatment on native timber tree performance on former pasture. Forest Ecology and Management 297: 49-56
Riedel J, Dorn S, Plath M, Mody K (2013) Growth, herbivore distribution, and herbivore damage of timber trees in a tropical silvopastoral reforestation system. Annals of Forest Science 70: 75-86
Benadi G, Blüthgen N, Hovestadt T, Poethke HJ (2012) Population dynamics of interacting plant and pollinator communities: stability reconsidered. American Naturalist 179: 157–168
Blüthgen N, Dormann CF, Prati D, Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Hölzel N, Alt F, Boch S, Gockel S, Hemp A, Müller J, Nieschulze J, Renner SC, Schöning I, Schumacher U, Socher SA, Wells K, Birkhofer K, Buscot F, Oelmann Y, Rothenwöhrer C, Scherber C, Tscharntke T, Weiner CN, Fischer M, Kalko EKV, Linsenmair KE, Schulze ED, Weisser WW (2012) A quantitative index of land-use intensity in grasslands: integrating mowing, grazing and fertilization. Basic and Applied Ecology 13: 207–220
Leonhardt SD, Blüthgen N (2012) The same, but different: pollen foraging in honeybee and bumblebee colonies. Apidologie 43: 449-464
Menzel F, Staab M, Chung AYC, Gebauer G, Blüthgen, N (2012) Trophic ecology of parabiotic ants: Do the partners have similar food niches? Austral Ecology 37: 537–546
Polidori C, Santoro D, Blüthgen N (2012) Does prey mobility affect niche width and individual specialization in hunting wasps? A network-based analysis. Oikos 122: 385–394
Schleuning M, Fründ J, Klein AM, Abrahamczyk S, Alarcón R, Albrecht M, Andersson GKS, Bazarian S, Böhning-Gaese K, Bommarco R, Dalsgaard B, Dehling DM, Gotlieb A, Hagen M, Hickler T, Holzschuh A, Kaiser-Bunbury CN, Kreft H, Morris RJ, Sandel B, Sutherland WJ, Svenning JC, Tscharntke T, Watts S, Weiner CN, Werner M, Williams NM, Winqvist C, Dormann CF, Blüthgen N (2012) Specialization of mutualistic interaction networks decreases towards tropical latitudes. Current Biology 22: 1925–1931
Bleil R, Blüthgen N, Junker RR (2011) Ant-plant mutualism in Hawai’i? Invasive ants reduce flower parasitism but also exploit floral nectar of the endemic shrub Vaccinium reticulatum (Ericaceae). Pacific Science 65: 291–300
Blüthgen N, Klein AM (2011) Functional complementarity and specialisation: The role of biodiversity in plant-pollinator interactions. Basic and Applied Ecology 12: 282–291
Drescher J, Feldhaar H, Blüthgen N (2011) Interspecific aggression, resource monopolization and ecological dominance of Anoplolepis gracilipes within an ant community in Malaysian Borneo. Biotropica 43: 93–99
Junker RR, Bretscher S, Dötterl S, Blüthgen N (2011) Phytochemical cues affect hunting site choices of a nursery web spider (Pisaura mirabilis) but not of a crab spider (Misumena vatia). Journal of Arachnology 39: 113–117
Junker RR, Daehler CC, Dötterl S, Keller A, Blüthgen N (2011) Hawaiian ant–flower networks: nectar-thieving ants prefer undefended native over introduced plants with floral defenses. Ecological Monographs 81: 295–311
Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Hölzel N, Blüthgen N, Boch S, Müller J, Socher S, Prati D, Fischer M (2011) Nutrient concentrations and fibre contents of plant community biomass reflect species richness patterns along a broad range of land-use intensities in agricultural grasslands. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 13: 287–295
Leonhardt SD, Form S, Blüthgen N, Schmitt T, Feldhaar H (2011) Genetic relatedness and chemical profiles in an unusually peaceful eusocial bee. Journal of Chemical Ecology 37: 1117–1126
Leonhardt SD, Blüthgen N & Schmitt T (2011) Chemical profiles of body surfaces and nests from six Bornean stingless bee species. Journal of Chemical Ecology 37: 98–104
Leonhardt SD, Schmitt T, Blüthgen N (2011) Tree resin composition, collection behavior and selective filters shape chemical profiles of tropical bees (Apidae: Meliponini). PLoS One 6: e23445
Junker R, Loewel C, Gross R, Dötterl S, Keller A, Blüthgen N (2011) Composition of epiphytic bacterial communities differs on petals and leaves. Plant Biology 13: 918–924
Schleuning M, Blüthgen N, Flörchinger M, Braun J, Schaefer HM, Böhning-Gaese K (2011) Specialization and interaction strength in a tropical seed-dispersal network differ among forest strata. Ecology 92: 26–36
Weiner CN, Werner M, Linsenmair KE, Blüthgen N (2011) Land use intensity in grasslands: changes in biodiversity, species composition and specialisation in flower-visitor networks. Basic and Applied Ecology 12: 292–299
(The lab group started in 2011 in Darmstadt; for publications before 2011, see individual people's pages)
Escobar S, Newell F, Endara MJ, Guevara-Andino J, Landim A, Neuschulz E, Nußer R, Ronja, Müller J, Pedersen K, Schleuning M, Tremlett C, Villa-Galaviz E, Schaefer HM, Donoso D, Blüthgen N (2025) Reassembly of a tropical rainforest: A new chronosequence in the Chocó tested with the recovery of tree attributes. Ecosphere, accepted (bioRxiv: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.03.21.586145)
Geres LS, Blüthgen N, Müller J, Seifert L, Seibold S, Bässler C (2025) To the top or into the dark? Relationships between elevational and canopy cover distribution shifts in mountain forests. Ecosphere 2025: e07449
Gindhart R, Müller J, Burivalova Z, Blüthgen N, Busse A, de la Hoz M, Donoso DA, Feldhaar H, Grella N, Kortmann M, Kriegel P, Kümmet S, Newell FL, Püls M, Schaefer HM, Seibold S, Tremlett CJ, Mitesser O (2025) impact of land-use on the acoustic behavior of cicadas in the Chocó lowland tropical forest of Ecuador. Insect Conservation and Diversity DOI: 10.1111/icad.12793
Grella N, Pedersen KM, Blüthgen N, Busse A, Donoso DA, Falconí-López A, Fiderer C, Heurich M, de la Hoz M, Kriegel P, Newell FL, Püls M, Rabl D, Schäfer HM, Seibold S, Tremlett CL, Feldhaar H, Müller J (2025) Vertebrate diversity and biomass along a recovery gradient in a lowland tropical forest. Biotropica 57: e13417
Künast R, Weisser WW, Seibold S, Mayr D, Siegmüller N, Schneider I, Westenmüller M, Blüthgen N, Staab M, Meyer S, Achury R (2025) Differential effect of grassland mowing on arthropod taxa. Ecological Entomology, accepted. Link
Sperandii MG, Bazzichetto M, Götzenberger L, Moretti M, Achury R, Blüthgen N, Fischer M, Hölzel N, Klaus VH, Kleinebecker T, Neff F, Prati D, Bolliger R, Seibold S, Simons NK, Staab M, Weisser WW, de Bello F, Gossner MM (2024) Functional traits mediate the effect of land use on drivers of community stability within and across trophic levels. Science Advances 11: eadp6445. Link
Aubona G, Mezzomo P, Sedio BE, Staab M, Volf M (2024) Neighbourhood effects on herbivory damage and chemical profiles in short‐rotation coppice willows and their hybrids. Phytochemistry 228: 114249. Link
Berger JL, Daum SNK, und Hartlieb M (2024) Simply the green: Urban refuges. Basic and Applied Ecology 80:108–119. Link
Berger JL, Staab M, Hartlieb M, Simons NK, Wells K, Gossner M, Vogt J, Achury R, Seibold S, Hemp A, Weisser WW, Blüthgen N (2024) The day after mowing: Time and type of mowing influence grassland arthropods. Ecological Applications 34: e3022. Link
Blüthgen N, Staab M (2024) A critical evaluation of network approaches for studying species interactions. Annual Reviews of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 55: 65-88. Link
Falconí-López A, Mitesser O, Schaefer HM, Blüthgen N, Busse A, Feldhaar H, Freile J, Gelis R, Grella N, Heibl C, Kortmann M, Newell FL, Rabl D, Schleuning M, Seibold S, Şekercioğlu CH, Tinoco BA, Tremlett CJ, Müller J, Donoso DA (2024) Habitat niches of bird species along a recovery gradient in the Chocó tropical forest. Ecological Indicators 166: 112260. Link
Gely C, Laurance SGW, Blüthgen N, Lach L, Vogado NO, Burwell CJ, Liddell MJ, Stork NE (2024) Inferring ant (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) dietary responses to experimental drought in a tropical rainforest using stable isotopes. Austral Entomology 63: 457-465
Hartlieb M, Raubitzek S, Berger JL, Staab M, Vogt J, Ayasse M, Ostrowski A, Weisser W, Blüthgen N (2024) Assessing mowing intensity: a new index incorporating frequency, machinery, and technique. Grassland Research 3: 264-274. Link
Hoenle PO, Merkel C, Donoso DA, Argoti AA, Blüthgen N, von Beeren C (2024). Hunting habits die hard: Conserved prey preferences in army ants across two distant neotropical rainforests. Ecosphere 15: e4812. Link.
Jutersek M, Gerasymenko IM, Petek M, Haumann E, Vacas S, Kallam K, Gianoglio S, Navarro-Llopis V, Heethoff M, Navarro Fuertes I, Patron N, Orzaez D, Gruden K, Warzecha H, Baebler S (2024) Transcriptome-informed identification and characterization of Planococcus citri cis- and trans-isoprenyl diphosphate synthase genes. iScience 27: 109441. Link
Klunk CL, Heethoff M, Hammel JU, Gorb SN, Krings W (2024) Mechanical and elemental characterization of ant mandibles: consequences for bite mechanics. Interface Focus 14: 20230056. Link
Lerch D, Blüthgen N, Mody K (2024) Home sweet home: Evaluation of native versus exotic plants as resources for insects in urban green spaces. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 5: e12380
Li Y, Schuldt A, Ebeling A, Eisenhauer N, Huan Y, Albert G, Albracht C, Amyntas A, Bonkowski M, ... Staab M, ... Schmid B, Ma K, Liu X (2024) Plant diversity enhances ecosystem multifunctionality via multidiversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution 8: 2037-2047. Link
Neyret M, Le Provost G, Boesing AL, Schneider FD, Baulechner D, Bergmann J, de Vries F, Fiore-Donno AM, Geisen S, ... Staab M, ... Manning P (2024) A slow-fast trait continuum at the whole community level in relation to land use intensification. Nature Communications 15: 1251. Link
Pedersen KM, von Beeren C, Oggioni A, Blüthgen N (2024) Mammal-dung beetle trophic networks: an improved method based on gut content DNA. PeerJ 12: e16627. Link
Peralta G, CaraDonna PJ, Rakosy D, Fründ J, Pascual Tudanca MP, Dormann CF, Burkle LA, Kaiser-Bunbury CN, Knight TM, Resasco J, Winfree R, Blüthgen N, Castillo WJ, Vázquez DP (2024) Predicting plant-pollinator interactions: concepts, methods, and challenges. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 39: 494-505. Link
Rappa N, Staab M, Ruppert LS, Frey J, Mello MAR, Klein AM (2024) Forest structure and heterogeneity increase diversity and alter composition of host-parasitoid networks. Ecological Entomology 29: 257-271. Link
Sanetra D, Berger J, Hartlieb M, Simons N, Walther G, Blüthgen N, Staab M (2024) Disentangling how urbanisation influences moth diversity in grasslands. Insect Conservation and Diversity 17: 229-242. Link
Staab M, Weisser WW, Blüthgen N (2024) Deutliche Evidenz für das Insektensterben. Biologie in Unserer Zeit 54: 311-312. Link
Tremlett C, Chapman M, Maher K, Keller A, Blüthgen N, Peh K, Zamora Gutierrez V (2024) High resource overlap and a consistently generalised pattern of spatio-temporal interactions in a bat-flower network in a seasonally dry landscape. Ecology and Evolution 14: e70367
Vázquez-González C, Villa-Galaviz E, Reyes-Hernández M, Perez-Niño B, Quijano-Medina T, Parra-Tabla V, Mooney KA, Abdala-Roberts L (2024) Temporal variation in tree diversity effects on birds and its implications for top-down control of insect herbivores in a tropical system. Oecologia 204: 603-612. Link
Villagomez F, Heethoff M (2024) Two new species of Platynothrus and Heminothrus (Oribatida: Crotoniidae) from Mexico. Zootaxa 5453: 214-232. Link
Villagomez G, Keller A, Rasmussen C, Lozano P, Donoso D, Blüthgen N, Leonhardt S (2024) Nutrients or resin? The relationship between resin and food foraging in stingless bees. Ecology and Evolution 14: e10879. Link
Wang MQ, Guo SK, Guo PF, Yang JJ, Chen GA, Chesters D, Orr M, Niu ZQ, Staab M, Chen JT, Li Y, Zhou QS, Fornoff F, Shi X, Li S, Martini M, Klein AM, Schuldt A, Liu X, Ma K, Bruelheide H, Luo A, Zhu CD (2024) Multi-dimensionality of tree communities structure host-parasitoid networks and their phylogenetic composition. eLife 13: RP100202. Link
Wittmann K, Ibrahim MG, Straw AD, Klein AM, Staab M (2024) Monitoring fast-moving animals – building a customized camera system and evaluation toolset. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15: 836-842. Link
Achury R, Staab M, Blüthgen N, Weisser WW (2023) Forest gaps increase true bug diversity by recruiting open land species. Oecologia 202: 299-312. Link
Blüthgen N, Dicks LV, Forister ML, Outhwaite CL, Slade EM (2023) Insect declines in the Anthropocene. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment 4: 683-686. Link
Chesters D, Ferrari RR, Lin X, Orr MC, Staab M, Zhu CD (2023) Launching insectphylo.org; a new hub facilitating construction and use of synthesis molecular phylogenies of insects. Molecular Ecology Resources 23: 1556-1573. Link
Gossner MM, Menzel F, Simons NK (2023) Less overall, but more of the same: drivers of insect population trends lead to community homogenization. Biology Letters 19: 20230007 Link
Heethoff M, van de Kamp T (2023) Artificial Intelligence in Entomology. Entomologie heute 34: 25-38.
Hoenle PO, Staab M, Donoso DA, Argoti A, Blüthgen N (2023) Stratification and recovery time jointly shape ant functional re-assembly in a Neotropical forest. Journal of Animal Ecology 92: 1372-1387. Link
Kalinkat G, Rall BC, Uiterwaal SF, Uszko W (2023) Empirical evidence of type III functional responses and why it remains rare. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 11: 1033818. Link
Klunk CL, Argenta MA, Rosumek FB, Schmelzle S, van de Kamp T, Hammel JU, Pie MR, Heethoff M (2023) Simulated biomechanical performance of morphologically disparate ant mandibles under bite loading. Scientific Reports 13: 16833. Link
Li Y, Schmid B, Schuldt A, Li S, Wang MQ, Fornoff F, Staab M, Guo P, Anttonen P, Chesters D, Bruelheide H, Zhu CD, Ma K, Liu X (2023) Multitrophic arthropod diversity mediates tree diversity effects on primary productivity. Nature Ecology & Evolution 7: 832-840. Link
Marín-Armijos D, Chamba-Carrillo A, Pedersen KM (2023) Morphometric changes on dung beetle Dichotomius problematicus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) related to conversion of forest into grassland: A case of study in the Ecuadorian Amazonia. Ecology and Evolution 13: e9831. Link
Mendoza-Guido B, Rodriguez-Hernández N, Ivens ABF, von Beeren C, Murillo-Cruz C, Zuniga-Chaves I, Lukasik P, Sanchez E, Kronauer DJC, Pinto-Tomás AA (2023) Low diversity and host specificity in the gut microbiome community of Eciton army ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dorylinae) in a Costa Rican rainforest. Myrmecological News 33:19-34. Link
Metz T, Blüthgen N, Drossel B (2023) Shifts from non-obligate generalists to obligate specialists in simulations of mutualistic network assembly. Oikos 2023: e09697. Link
Müller J, Mitesser O, Schaefer HM, ... Blüthgen N, Tremlett CJ, Böttger D, Feldhaar H, Grella N, Falconí-López A, Donoso DA, Moriniere J, Buřivalová Z (2023) Soundscapes and artificial intelligence provide powerful tools to track biodiversity recovery in tropical forests. Nature Communications 14: 6191. Link
Neff F, Prati D, Achury R, Ambarlı D, Bollinger R, Brändle M, Freitag M, Hölzel N, Kleinebecker T, Knecht A, Schäfer D, Schall P, Seibold S, Staab M, Weisser WW, Pellissier L, Gossner MM (2023) Reduction of invertebrate herbivory by land use is only partly explained by changes in plant and insect characteristics. Ecological Monographs 93: e1571. Link
Rappa NJ, Staab M, Ruppert LS, Frey J, Bauhus J, Klein AM (2023) Structural elements enhanced by retention forestry promote forest and non-forest specialist bees and wasps. Forest Ecology and Management 529: 120709. Link
Ruppert LS, Segelbacher G, Staab M, Winiger N (2023) Gauging DNA degradation among common insect trap preservatives. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata 171: 218-226. Link
Ruppert LS, Staab M, Klingenfuß S, Rappa N, Frey J, Segelbacher G (2023) Leaf litter arthropods show little response to structural retention in a Central European forest. Biodiversity and Conservation 32: 3973-3990. Link
Schuldt A, Liu X, Buscot F, Bruelheide H, Erfmeier A, He JS, Klein AM, Ma K, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Schmid B, Scholten T, Tang Z, Trogisch S, Wirth C, Wubet T, Staab M (2023) Carbon-biodiversity relationships in a highly diverse subtropical forest. Global Change Biology 29: 5321-5333. Link
Staab M (2023) Der Rückgang von Insekten in deutschen Wäldern – neue Ergebnisse aus den Biodiversitäts-Exploratorien. Beiträge zur Jagd- und Wildforschung 48: 281-297.
Staab M, Gossner MM, Simons NK, Achury R, Ambarlı D, Bae S, Schall P, Weisser WW, Blüthgen N (2023) Insect decline in forests depends on species’ traits and may be mitigated by management. Communications Biology 6: 338. Link
Staab M, Pietsch S, Yan H, Blüthgen N, Chen A, Li Y, Zhang N, Ma K, Liu X (2023) Dear neighbor: trees with extrafloral nectaries facilitate defense and growth of adjacent undefended trees Ecology, 104: e4057. Link
Timoteo S, Albrecht J, Rumeu B, Norte AC, Traveset A, Frost CM, Marchante E, López-Núñez FA, Peralta G, Memmott J, Olesen JM, Costa JM, da Silva LP, Carvalheiro LG, Correia M, Staab M, Blüthgen N, Farwig N, Minorov S, Rodriguez-Echeverria S, Heleno R (2023) Tripartite networks show that keystone species can multitask. Functional Ecology 37: 274-286. Link
Valdivia C, Newton JA, von Beeren C, O’Donnell S, Kronauer D, Russell JA, Łukasik P (2023) Microbial symbionts are shared between ants and their associated beetles. Environmental Microbiology 25: 3466-3483. Link
Villa-Galaviz E, Cirtwill AR, Gibson R, Timberlake T, Roslin T, Memmott J (2023) What makes a good pollinator? Abundant and specialised insects with long flight periods transport the most strawberry pollen. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 4: e12253. Link
Villa-Galaviz E, Smart SM, Ward SE, Fraser MD, Memmott J (2023) Fertilization using manure minimizes the trade-offs between biodiversity and forage production in agri-environment scheme grasslands. PLOS ONE 18: e0290843. Link
von Beeren C, Pohl S, Fikáček M, Kleinfelder S, Tishechkin AK, Chani-Posse M, Tokareva A, Żyła D, Maruyama M., Hall WE, Sörensson M, Kronauer DJC (2023) Army ant middens – home and nursery to a diverse beetle fauna. Ecology and Evolution 13: e10451. Link
Wehner K, Brandt M, Hilpert A, Simons NK, Blüthgen N (2023) Little evidence for land-use filters on intraspecific trait variation in three arthropod groups. Web Ecology 23: 35-49. Link
Weisser WW, Blüthgen N, Staab M, Achury R, Müller J (2023) Experiments are needed to quantify the main causes of insect decline. Biology Letters 19: 20220500. Link
Wittmann K, Klein AM, Staab M (2023) The influence of habitat properties on sex determination in cavity-nesting Hymenoptera. Basic and Applied Ecology 70: 1-11. Link
Zhang X, Dalsgaard B, Staab M, Zhu C, Zhao Y, Gonçalves F, Ren P, Cai C, Qiao G, Ding P, Si X (2023) Habitat fragmentation increases specialization of multi-trophic interactions by high species turnover. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 290: 20231372. Link
Becker L, Blüthgen N, Drossel B (2022) Stochasticity leads to coexistence of generalists and specialists in assembling mutualistic communities. American Naturalist 200: 303-315. Link
Blüthgen N, Staab M, Achury R, Weisser WW (2022) Unravelling insect declines: can space replace time? Biology Letters 18: 20210666. Link
Ceron K, Diogo B, Provete DB, Pires MM, Araujo AC, Blüthgen N, Santana DJ (2022) Prey availability and interaction rewiring drive the spatial and seasonal structure of a predator-prey metaweb. Ecology 103: e3716. Link
Golian M, Bien T, Schmelzle S, Esparza-Mora MA, McMahon DP, Dreisewerd K, Buellesbach J (2022) Neglected very long-chain hydrocarbons and the incorporation of body surface area metrics reveal novel perspectives for cuticular profile analysis in insects. Insects 13: 83. Link
Hoenle PO, Donoso DA, Argoti A, Staab M, von Beeren C, Blüthgen N (2022) Rapid ant community re-assembly in a Neotropical forest: recovery dynamics and land-use legacy. Ecological Applications 32: e2559. Link
Le Provost G, Schenk NV, Penone C, Thiele J, Westphal C, Allan E, Blüthgen N, ... Manning P (2022) The supply of multiple ecosystem services requires biodiversity across spatial scales. Nature Ecology and Evolution 7: 236-249. Link
Liu X, Huang Y, Chen L, Li S, Bongers FJ, Castro-Izaguirre N, … Staab M, Bruelheide H, Schmid B, Ma K (2022) Species richness, functional traits and climate interactively affect tree survival in a large forest biodiversity experiment. Journal of Ecology 110: 2522-2531. Link
Meier M, Aßauer L, Heethoff M, Michalik P (2022) DigiTiB - ein interaktives Lernwerkzeug zur Artbestimmung. Unterricht Biologie 46: 24-30. Link
Neff F, Hagge J, Achury R, Ambarlı D, Ammer C, Schall P, Seibold S, Staab M, Weisser WW, Gossner MM (2022) Hierarchical trait filtering at different spatial scale determines beetle assemblages in deadwood. Functional Ecology 36: 2929-2942. Link
Pedersen KM, Blüthgen N (2022) Seed size and pubescence facilitate secondary dispersal by dung beetles. Biotropica 54: 215-225. Link
Rappa NJ, Staab M, Frey J, Winiger N, Klein AM (2022) Multiple forest structural elements are needed to promote beetle biomass, diversity and abundance. Forest Ecosystems 9: 100056. Link
Scherreiks P, Gossner MM, Ambarlı D, Ayasse M, Blüthgen N, … Simons NK, Weisser WW, Wells K, Westphal C, Thiele J (2022) Present and historical landscape structure shapes current species richness in Central European grasslands. Landscape Ecology 37: 745-762. Link
Staab M, Achury R, Ammer C, Ehbrecht M, Irmscher V, Mohr H, Schall P, Weisser WW, Blüthgen N (2022) Negative effects of forest gaps on dung removal in a full-factorial experiment. Journal of Animal Ecology 91: 2113-2124. Link
Tang T, Zhang N, Bongers FJ, Staab M, Schuldt A, Fornoff F, Hong L, Cavender-Bares J, Hipp A, Li S, Liang Y, Han B, Klein AM, Bruelheide H, Durka W, Schmid B, Ma K, Liu X (2022) Tree species and genetic diversity increase productivity via functional diversity and trophic feedbacks. eLife 11: e78703. Link
Wehner K, Heethoff M (2022) Hornmilben - die unscheinbare Vielfalt aus dem Boden. Biologie in unserer Zeit 52: 262-267. Link
Ambarlı D, Simons NK, Wehner K, Kämper W, Gossner MM, Nauss T, Neff F, Seibold S, Weisser WW, Blüthgen N (2020) Animal-mediated ecosystem process rates in forests and grasslands are affected by climatic conditions and land-use intensity. Ecosystems 24: 467-483. Link
Blüthgen N, Staab M (2021) Ecology: Mammals, interactions networks and the relevance of scale. Current Biology 31: R850-R853. Link
CaraDonna P, Burkle L, Schwarz B, Resasco J, Knight T, Benadi G, Blüthgen N, Dormann C, Fang Q, Fründ J, Gauzens B, Kaiser-Bunbury C, Winfree R, Vazquez D (2021) Seeing through the static: The temporal dimension of plant–animal mutualistic interactions. Ecology Letters 24: 149-161. Link
Feit B, Blüthgen N, Daouti E, Straub C, Traugott M, Jonsson M (2021) Landscape complexity promotes resilience of biological pest control to climate change. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288: 20210547. Link
Fornoff F, Staab M, Zhu CD, Klein AM (2021) Multi-trophic communities re-establish with canopy cover and microclimate in a subtropical forest biodiversity experiment. Oecologia 196: 289-301. Link
Guo P, Wang M, Orr M, Li Y, Chen J, Zhou Q, Staab M, Fornoff F, Chen G, Zhang N, Klein AM, Zhu CD (2021) Tree diversity promotes predatory wasps and parasitoids but not pollinator bees in a subtropical experimental forest. Basic and Applied Ecology 53: 134-142. Link
Leidinger J, Blaschke M, Ehrhardt M, Fischer A, Gossner MM, Jung K, Kienlein S, Kozak J, … Wehner K, Weisser WW (2021) Shifting tree species composition affects biodiversity of multiple taxa in Central European forests. Forest Ecology and Management 498: 119552. Link
Le Provost G, Thiele J, Westphal C, Penone C, Allan E, Neyret M, van der Plas F, Ayasse M, … Blüthgen N, … Wehner K, … Manning P (2021) Contrasting responses of above-and belowground diversity to multiple components of land-use intensity. Nature Communications 12: 3918. Link
Lettmann J, Mody K, Kursch-Metz TA, Blüthgen N, Wehner K (2021) Bracon wasps for ecological pest control–a laboratory experiment. PeerJ 9: e11540. Link
McKenzie SK, Winston ME, Grewe F, Vargas Asensio G, Rodríguez-Hernández N, Rubin BER, Murillo-Cruz C, von Beeren C, Moreau CS, Suen G, Pinto-Tomás AA, Kronauer DJC (2021) The genomic basis of army ant chemosensory adaptations. Molecular Ecology 30: 6627-6641. Link
Melo Teles Gomes IJ, Solar R, Blüthgen N, Vasconcelos HL, Basilio Silva LE, Oliveira KE, Moreira MZ, Campos RI (2021) Multiple effects of mutualistic ants improve the performance of a neotropical ant-plant: A long-term study with the Cecropia-Azteca system. Basic and Applied Ecology 57: 78-90. Link
Neff F, Brändle M, Ambarlı D, Ammer C, Bauhus J, Boch S, Hölzel N, Klaus VH, … Simons NK, … Gossner MM (2021) Changes in plant-herbivore network structure and robustness along land-use intensity gradients in grasslands and forests. Science Advances 7: eabf3985. Link
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